Following the initial lessons from the ongoing war, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) plan to perform additional changes in the latest version of the Merkava 4 (Barak) Main Battle Tank (MBT).
Izraelské drony typu Harpy jsou celosvětově unikátní technikou. Jejich efektivita, snadná manipulace a především schopnost eliminovat nepřátelské radary je oceňována vojáky v Číně i Jižní Koreji. A to vývoj začal již v osmdesátých letech.
Since the war between Israel and the two Iranian proxies – the Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Hamas in Gaza, GPS systems went crazy. According to sources,the GPS was denied in the war zones by the Hezbollah and by Israel at the same time. This according to experts is a very clear wake up call to users of GPS based weapon systems...
The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have accelerated their effort to use remote controlled armoured ground vehicles in the Gaza war. The effort began before the war broke out on Oct. 7, but has been accelerated in recent weeks.